Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Journey Begins......

Enjoy your journey Down Smith Lane.......

This blog was created so that we may share bits and pieces of our lives with our friends, family and Smith followers. I have been wanting to start a Smith Family Blog for sometime and I am so excited to be able to share it all with you now.

I recently asked a friend of mine Diana who is a psychic medium what she sees for me for the rest of this year and where should I place my energy..... her response was that she sees me writing... Wow.... writing. I had asked her this question some time ago and she had the same response. She thought I should find my creative side and write. Well.... here goes. So, here I sit at 1:30 am and I am tapping away at this keyboard wondering what to write and my mind is racing with ideas and thoughts. I guess I will just write, write anything, share everything (well, almost everything) I have my limits.

I have always had a love for writing as well as a love for the gift of being creative whether it was writing, drawing, or hand crafting. I guess there is a mini Martha Stewart living inside of me, but with my busy life, I have put that creativity to rest these past few years. I guess it is time to dig it up and use the gift I was so graciously given. So, I will write. It is a perfect way to express myself and share my thoughts, lives, and wisdom with others.

Everyone has a story..... Everyone is on a journey...... Hope you enjoy the ride.


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