Saturday, December 18, 2010

Meet Cocoa

The Smith Family had a recent visitor for the weekend.  It was Tristan's turn to bring Cocoa home so he wouldn't be lonely in school.  Tristan was so excited to introduce Cocoa to everyone.  She showed him around the house and showed him all of her toys.  Cocoa had a wonderful weekend at the Smith Homestead and I promise we didn't teach him any bad habits.  
Tristan was very sad to see Cocoa leave.  She had such a wonderful time with him.  We baked cookies, made a gingerbread house, went to a birthday party, read stories, and went to see the Christmas Lights.  We are hoping that Cocoa can come back to visit one day.

Having Lunch with Cocoa

Naptime with a Friend


Tristan and Cocoa at their friend Mila's Birthday!

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