Thursday, December 30, 2010

Welcome 2011!

It is just about time to say good-bye to yet another year and time to welcome another. 
A perfect time to start anew. 
Like Billions and Billions other Americans across our great country, 
I am turning over a new leave in 2011 and starting anew.  

2K11 is going to be my year.  It better be!!!

I find to often that my mind races with thoughts, ideas, wishes, dreams and at times 
my creative side is screaming and I freeze.  Things are going to change this year and 
I am going to get off my bootay and make things happen.

Here are a few of My 2011 Resolutions



Facilitate my Creativity!

Release all the negative Bull around me including detrimental people.  GOODBYE!

Be a better Mom.  It is the toughest job around and after almost 20 years, 
I think I am doing a good job, but improvement is always needed.  Nothing is ever perfect. 

Keep working on that Bucket List. Knocked a few things off in 2010...  More in 2011.

Learn MORE about ME!

Get rid of this chubby chick I have been carrying on my back for way too long.  
I really hate her and she has got to go.  Time to get in the pink and flourish.  
Time to get healthy and toss all those Yucky habits out the door. 
I am on a mission!

Experience More....  even the little things count.

$$ MONEY $$

Dance more with My hubby, my FOREVER BFF!! 

Write, draw, create.....  everyday!

Read More Books!!

BREAK some rules....  and BREAK some more!


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