Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fishy, Fishy, Everywhere

What a wonderful way to spend the afternoon with the kiddies but with a trip to the Aquarium. While on a recent trip to Atlanta Georgia we took the girls to the Georgia aquarium. The girls enjoyed it but Tristan was a bit scared and clung onto her Dad for the most part. The one thing she did enjoy was seeing Nemo and the penguins. I do have to say the penguins are cute. You can't get any cuter with their silly personalities, their show off abilities and I do admit they are dashing dressers. Taryn loved the Otters and has been begging for years for a pet otter but all she came home with was a stuffed one. I think she was pleased. I can see her in years to come with a backyard pond and otters everywhere. Love that kids. Jaedan loved the Beluga whales and loved to watch them swim so graciously through the water. They was absolutely beautiful. My favorite was the Potato Grouper. He looked like a Russet potato with the funniest face. Ok, not funny.... the poor thing was downright Homely. He has the face only a mother could love. I guess being a Mom is why he ranked so high on my list. I seem to always pull for the underdog - underfish in this case.


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