Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Time for Family

Family is Everything!  I count my blessing everyday that I have been blessed the way I have.  Summertime in general is a time for families to unite whether it is vacations, get-to-gethers or family reunions.  It is a perfect time to reflect on the meaning of family.  We recently attended a family reunion for my husbands family.  The Drain family reunion was held in Atlanta Georgia this year and we were so excited to visit with family as we had a wonderful time here in Charlotte when we hosted the reunion last July.  My darling Hubby brought his mom and dad from New York to attend the reunion and spend some time visiting with us at our home.  We had a lovely and heartfelt visit and the children enjoyed spending time with Grammy and PaPa.

DRAIN FAMILY REUNION - Atlanta Georgia 2010
Uncle Grady & his Grandson
Tristan and Kaleb
The reunion was lovely as always and it is amazing how things change in the period of one year.  New babies, marriages, graduates, new homes, etc.  We had a great weekend discovering Atlanta.  We took the kids to the Georgia Aquarium. (More about that later)  We had a wonderful BBQ at Isaac's cousin Dorian and Quaisons home.  We also had a awesome Banquet dinner at the family church in Atlanta.  The food was amazing.  We has an amazing weekend in all.  Can't wait for next years reunion.

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